How Long Does It Take To Heal After Hysterectomy?

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Shaunda Necole- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Goat Yoga And Why It's A Real Holistic Practice And Not Just A Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Reality TV Show Thing- Greatest Of All Time

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Goat yo—whaaa?  Goat yoga. 

One of the intentional and deliberate things I tried in a continuous effort to avoid mental burnout after surgery.  

It’s a lighthearted and lightweight transition back into exercise after hysterectomy and laparoscopy procedures.


I said “Bye, Felicia!” to my angry uterus, and “Hello, Dolly” to a baby goat!

In my opinion, motivation is doing the things that I have to, with an infusion of fun and a dose of whimsy!

Burnout is just the opposite—doing the things that I have to *without* the infusion of fun, making it a lot less appealing to get it done.

You may need a lot of motivation to get back to your regular physical routines after surgery. Cute little furry goats were my motivation.

Therapy animals. I’m in!


Watch the video:

In goat yoga, the point isn’t to sweat. It’s to have a baby goat— no uterus required!



Goat yoga exercise after hysterectomy recovery


How long does it take to heal internally after hysterectomy?

There will still be some stitches with laparoscopic surgery. My doctor suggested letting the bandages over the stitches fall off on their own.
The stitches underneath dissolve naturally after a few weeks. The wound can take from 4-8 weeks to heal, depending on the type of hysterectomy you have

Can you bend after hysterectomy?

Having a hysterectomy is major surgery. Restrictions on showering, swimming, sex, exercise, bending, and lifting will all affect your daily life for about 6-8 weeks. 
This is why exercise recommendations after hysterectomy surgeries vary.

In goat yoga, the point isn't to sweat. It's to have a baby goat— no uterus required!


Find goat yoga near me for hysterectomy exercises after surgery


What is the best exercise to do after a hysterectomy?

You can begin regular physical activity within 2-4 weeks after surgery and exercise after 4-6 weeks. But consult with your doctor first.

My doctor recommended starting with short walks, day 1 after surgery.

To allow your body time to heal, a return to a more challenging exercise routine can be considered 6-8 weeks after your surgery. But remember that hysterectomy recovery and exercise after is different for every woman.


When you’re ready and have the OK from your doctor, Health Grades recommends these 5 tips for safe exercises after hysterectomy.

1. Try Kegels.

2. Choose exercises that target your lower abdominals. 

3. Work on other muscles, too.

4. Walk and gradually increase your pace and distance.

5. Breathe deeply for your physical and mental health.


How long does it take to heal internally and exercise after hysterectomy?


Exercise after hysterectomy- therapy goat yoga


Yoga with cuddles and giggles? Count me in!

When I was cleared and ready to return to work-outs again, I asked myself:

Self, what are the things that I love to do that I can merge with the things that I need to do?”

I learned about goat yoga from an episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and I was intrigued!

Did you see this episode with Lisa Rinna and her daughters laughing their way through their entire goat yoga session?

Cuddles and giggles? I love that shit! Yep, I knew this was for me!

Yoga was already my practice pre-hysterectomy. So the idea of little kids, aka baby goats prancing around under my downward dog and leaping over my child’s pose made me so happy that I signed up right away when I was cleared by my doctor!




Happy Hysterectomy Stories, Life & Exercise After


I started with goat yoga after my hysterectomy— visualizing the end at the beginning

I could see the whole experience in my mind from beginning to end—a visualization practice involving all the senses.

I saw what I picked out to wear to yoga before grabbing my mat and driving to the farmhouse. 

I could feel the warm morning air and smell the breeze as I walked onto the farm. 

I heard myself say hello to the hostess as I opened the gate to enter the goat area. 

I picked up goats, I struggled to hold goats as they squirmed around before getting settled. I hugged a goat through chaturanga and passed a goat to the yogi next to me. 

I saw all of this from beginning to the end in my mind. 

Without anxiety and with an imagination free of nervous energy, I had visualized a holistic and welcoming experience in an innovative practice of yoga with new, cuddly furry friends.


Exercise after surgery: How do you sit comfortably after a hysterectomy?


Exercise after surgery: Can we bend after hysterectomy?


Goat yoga was everything that I envisioned, including a happy ending to my hysterectomy story!

I signed up for goat yoga for a well and good experience—a light exercise after my surgery. I was excited to be present, mentally and physically, getting my body back into a routine. 

This was yoga with sensory overload—the cuddles, giggles, little hoofs, hugs, and holds. While embracing one of the goats, she fell asleep like a baby in my arms and didn’t want to wake up. 

I felt so blessed! 

My pre-visualization allowed me to enjoy a complete experience in a unique yoga practice by being aware and present to appreciate every movement and every moment.

The perfect exercise after a tumultuous hysterectomy recovery experience.

A happy hysterectomy story, after all!


Is it harder to lose weight after hysterectomy?


Hysterectomy exercises after surgery including goat yoga




The practice of good cheer

Goat yoga is a celebration of movement and motion with the infusion of therapy animals for transformative giddy and glee. 

Admittedly, there’s more goat wrangling and holding than yoga flow, even though an instructor guides an uninterrupted session. 

There are also goat wranglers to corral the little billies. 

This is a planned exercise of mind, body and good cheer!

I hope you’ll consider goat yoga for your next recharge or rehabilitation.



My style with whimsy tip

Patterns, patterns and more patterns! And mix ’em up! If your outfit is fun, chances are your experience will follow suit.


similar Nordstrom animal print sports bra  |  similar Good American sports bra  |  Romwe jacket & leggings set  |  Turquoise yoga mat  |  similar Amazon watermelon towel  |  Amazon beaded earrings  |  Steve Madden pearl slides  |


Life after hysterectomy

Find 3 hobbies you love:

1. One to make money.

2. One to keep you in shape.

3. One to be creative.


For me, this is:

1. Sharing by writing and speaking

2. Yoga— obviously! — My friend Lorraine made a business of this one as The Flawed Yogini!

3. Hair bow making— I made a business out of this one, too!


PLEASE NOTE: The information in this post should not be construed as providing specific medical advice, but rather to offer you information through the lens of my personal experience. It’s not intended to provide an alternative to professional treatment or replace a physician’s services.


This post appeared first on on July 10, 2019.


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Hysterectomy Recovery Exercise Goat Yoga



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    1. Hello:) Yoir story was very inspirational to me:) I had a total hysterectomy going on 5 weeks ago and I’m
      Still stiff and feel sharp pains here and there . How long after your surgery were you able to do yoga ? I still do t feel
      Comfortable bending .

      1. Hi, Ashley! Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad this post is helpful to you. It wasn’t until after 8 weeks that I was able to bend comfortably and without being so tired after. But I was able to take long walks after about 6 weeks. Don’t rush it! I wish you a safe and easy recovery. All my best, Shaunda

  1. I imagine there are few things as life affirming as doing yoga with a goat. That’s far too adorable. Excuse me while I squee. 🙂

  2. That looks like fun, but I enjoy yoga on its own, no goats required. I especially like how it lets me relax, which I kinda think the presence of goats would not do. lol

  3. Im sure it would be fun and uplifting, but still makes me laugh thinking about “Goat Yoga” lol

  4. I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan area and I love the idea of goat Yoga. One of the places near by me has goat yoga but I don’t have anyone else I know who would do goat yoga with me. I would love to try it. Thanks for the chance to win. Awesome giveaway!

    1. Hi, Amanda! My friends were squeamish and didn’t do it with me. I’ve long since gotten over waiting on other people to do the things that I enjoy! I hope this article inspires you to go try goat yoga, even if it’s alone 😉

  5. Seems like a pretty good time. I probably couldn’t focus too much because of the precious goat.

  6. I didn’t know that goat yoga was a thing until I seen it on television a few days ago! I don’t know that I would be able to quit laughing watching goats hanging out on people’s backside lol

  7. There’s nothing cuter than a baby goat! It looks like you are having an incredible experience! Love the smiles on your face 🙂

  8. Hello Shaunda, I’ve never heard of goat yoga before, it sounds like it is a really fun and heartwarming experience! <3

  9. I have a hard enough time with Yoga on it’s own!!! But I would love just to have a cuddle session with the goats ????

  10. I’ve got to tell my Mother in Law about this!! Shell get a kick out of it. She has new babies every spring, they are soo cute a d start walking right after they are born!!

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