Pink Pumpkins Ideas & Aesthetic

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Pink Pumpkins Standout Poses

Sharing is caring!

I’ve partnered with a few brands over the years to help spread the word about breast cancer awareness. In some of these campaigns, I’ve painted pumpkins pink to create standout, memorable poses!


Pink Pumpkins Save The Ta Tas



Easy Spirit limited edition Romy sneakers  |  Anthropologie dress  |  Free People hair scrunchie  |  Baublebar earrings  |  Julie Vos cuff bracelet  |  Free People similar ring  |  Free People sunglasses  |  Givenchy lipstick  |


Halloween pumpkins painted pink video tutorial


All this beautiful pink reminds me to schedule my mammogram, and you should, too! ⁣⁣

In case the month of October’s pink-out isn’t enough, I partnered with @easyspiritofficial to get the word out about how important it is for women to pause for a breast exam. ⁣⁣


Pink Halloween Pumpkins
As you can see, I’m walking around (light as air) in my comfy Move For Pink Limited Edition Romy Sneaker by Easy Spirit to spread the message wherever I go! ⁣⁣
I’ve even gone as far as painting pink pumpkins and posed in a standout picture to make sure to drive the point home about saving the ta-tas, starting with breast self-exams and a visit to your doctor for a mammogram.⁣⁣


Pink Pumpkins Aesthetic To Save The Ta Tas

You can also join me in the MOVE FOR PINK movement! Here’s what that looks like (hint- it’s Pink):⁣⁣
20% of the MOVE FOR PINK Romy Walking Sneaker (I’m wearing) and the MOVE FOR PINK Traveltime Mule on will be donated to fund groundbreaking breast cancer research from October 1st through October 31st, 2020.⁣⁣


Halloween Pumpkins Painted Pink


This next pink pumpkins post was with the brand BootayBag

Another pink-out partnership I participated in was with a brand with the cutest name- BootayBag!

BootayBag (insert peach emoji here) is a monthly subscription for women’s underwear- something that every woman always needs.


Bootay Bag & Breast Cancer Awareness


How To Paint Hot Pink Pumpkins Aesthetic


For less than $20 a month and free shipping, you get to choose your style of two undies a month. One less thing (actually two) to have to purchase each month when BootayBag takes care of your undies for you effortlessly!

Each month they donate to a charitable cause with each social media share of their product using #UnderMatters!


Shaunda Necole Save The Ta Tas With BootayBag


Painting Halloween Pink Pumpkins How To Video Tutorial


I’m proud to have teamed up in October to benefit breast cancer awareness.

Don’t let the month get away without helping to save the Ta Tas with BootayBag!


This post appeared first on on October 30, 2017.


Like this post? Pin the below picture to your Breast Cancer Awareness Pinterest board!


Pink Pumpkins Ideas & Aesthetic


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  1. Love this about Breast cancer awareness. Time to go get checked out. Love the pink pumpkins and pink tennis shoes

  2. This is such a fun idea. It is a creative way to promote Breast Cancer awareness. I scheduled my mammogram last week.

  3. We just received our pumpkins ???? late for Halloween so we’re going to make pies for our holiday dinner this month.

  4. I love the way you show your support for breast cancer awareness. I’ve never seen pink pumpkins used. So cute!

  5. What a wonderful and thoughtful way to spread awareness. I wish our town did this or the different surrounding areas in my town. I would have so got a pink pumpkin. Pink is my favorite color.

  6. I am definitely going to check them out and share with my friends. I love that they give to a charitable cause to. To me that always makes a shopping decision easier.

  7. Education about breast cancer is so important. My husband’s favorite aunt passed from breast cancer 3 years ago. We support this cause.

  8. I have seen pink pumpkins used as tablescapes. They look so pretty. This is a a creative way to bring awareness to an very important cause. You looked like you had a blast. Loved your dress.

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