The Power of Thinking Big

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Shaunda Necole The Power of Thinking Big

Sharing is caring!

This one thing that I’m sharing today is simple, but deep.

Have you ever thought about this? It takes the same amount of effort to think big as it does to think small.

Wow! Yep.

Shaunda Necole | It takes the same amount of effort tithing big as it does to think small

NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW: Pitch your business to Serena Williams!
This week I partnered with BumbleBizz and their founder, Whitney Herd and co-investor, Serena Williams to share with you how Bumble is investing in women owned businesses!
Female entrepreneurs, click HERE to download the Bumble app . Swipe right on the card above in BumbleBizz to learn more and submit your business!

Shaunda Necole Norfolk State Innovation Center Entrepreneur Resource Partner

Success is a Mindset

What does it mean to “think big“? You know, aiming for the moon and not just the stars. Reaching far beyond and stretching yourself. Asking for the exact thing that seems impossible, and not settling for what we see as possible.

For example, thinking big sees the full picture and multitasks, working towards an abundance of opportunities that expand beyond the results seen in the current day. Small thinking works for the task of today.

Thinking big prays for enough money to support future mortgages (plural). Small thinking wishes for just enough to cover the current month’s rent.

The power is in our own mindset to think better and at best. We should exercise up-level thinking in all of our thoughts, ideas, actions and dreams and continue to flex our idea muscle.

I’ve been exercising thinking bigger and beyond the current me of today. Investing in my own success, because you can never go broke doing that! I’m excited to share with you more about the new course that I’m on so that we can level-up together!

In the meantime remember the power of thinking big, and feed your mind with ideas that are beyond what you can see today!

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Proverbs 23:7

Instagram Replay 3.30.19

I’m overdue in recapping my weekly Instagram posts. This recap is from mid March to now.

Remember, you can click on any picture to see more or to shop the looks that you like.

Shaunda Necole Ideas Are The Currency Of Life- Good Ideas Buy you Good Experiences

P.S. I’ve always loved a wish list! It gives me something to look forward to. Now I know that it’s also a part of thinking bigger than today. I have trained my mind to know that tomorrow is a new day with endless opportunities that will present themselves because I’m putting in the work today!

Girl, go ahead and wish list that entire outfit today. Believe in bigger, and it can be in your closet tomorrow!

Hey, It's Me! Shaunda Necole

I made it happen! My name in lights, and on my birthday, too! Even if I did pay a guy on Fiverr to edit my name up there! 😉 Believing in bigger lends creativity and ingenuity in making things happen!

Shaunda Necole Celebrate Every Moment New Bohemians

My mood today 😉

Shaunda Necole Ideas Are The Currency Of Life- Butterfly Garden

My mood tomorrow 😉

Shaunda Necole | Bonefish Grill Brunch Menu

Same mood 😉 because I had brunch at Bonefish Grill!

Shaunda Necole brunch with the Bestie at Bonefish Grill

Bonefish Grill brunch with The Bestie!

Shaunda Necole NIVEA Brand Ambassador

Shaunda Necole NIVEA Brand Ambassador one leg up on Spring

I’ve got one leg up on this Spring thing!

Shaunda Necole | Remember if your thighs touch, you're one step closer to being a mermaid!

You asked, “Any last thoughts on ‘thinking big’ ?”

I answered, “Yes, of course!”

If your thighs touch, you’re one step closer to being a mermaid!

(…at least that’s what I tell myself!) A "Woman" is as she thinks- Pin it!

[maxbutton id=”1″ ] Norfolk Mermaids

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  1. “Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”
    ― David J. Schwartz, The Magic of Thinking Big

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